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Journal Publications
1. Zhou, Y., T. Liu. Impacts of the Renewable Portfolio Standard on Regional Electricity Markets. In Press at Journal of Energy Engineering in 2014. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000202.  
2. F. Mahdavi Pajouh, D. Xing, Y. Zhou, S. Hariharan, B. Balasundaram, T. Liu, and R. Sharda. 2013. A specialty steel bar company uses analytics to determine available-to-promise dates. Interfaces. 43(6):503-517  
3. D. Xing, T. Liu. 2012. Sales Effort Free Riding and Coordination with Price Match and Channel Rebates. European Journal of Operational Research. 219(2): 264-271.  
4. Larasati, A., T. Liu, F. Epplin. 2012. An Analysis of Logistic Costs to Determine Optimal Size of a Biofuel Refinery. Engineering Management Journal, 24 (4), 63 – 72.  
5. Onal, M., W. van den Heuvel, T. Liu. 2012. A Note on “The Economic Lot Sizing Problem with Inventory Bounds”. European Journal of Operational Research, 223 (1), 290–294.  
6. Iravani, S., T. Liu, D. Simchi-Levi. 2012. Optimal Production and Admission Policies in Make-to-Stock/Make-to-Order Manufacturing Systems. Production and Operations Management. 21(2): 224-235.  
7. Liu, T., M. Li. 2012. Structure Flexibility Indices with Shrinking Capacities in Cross Production. International Journal of Production Research. 50(2): 393-407  
8. Liu, T., C. Methapatara, L. Wynter. 2010. Revenue Management Model for On-demand IT Services. European Journal of Operational Research. 207(1): 401-408.  
9. Hu, Y., Y. Guan, and T. Liu. 2010. Lead-Time Hedging and Coordination between Manufacturing and Sales Departments Using Nash and Stackelberg Games. European Journal of Operational Research. 210 (2), 231-240.  
10. Guan, Y., T. Liu. 2010. Stochastic Economic Lot Sizing with Inventory Bounds and Order Capacities. European Journal of Operational Research. 207 (3): 1398–1409  
11. Liu, T. 2008. Economic Lot Sizing Problem with Inventory Bounds. European Journal of Operational Research. 185(1), 204-215.  
12. Duran, S., T. Liu, D. Simchi-Levi, and J. Swann. 2008. Policies Utilizing Tactical Inventory Policies for Service-Differentiated Customers. Operations Research Letters. 36(2), 259-264.  
13. Iravani, S., T. Liu, L. Luangkesorn, D. Simchi-Levi. 2007. A Produced-to-Stock System with Advance Information and Secondary Customers. Naval Research Logistics. 54 (3), 331-345.  
14. Duran, S., T. Liu, D. Simchi-Levi, J. Swann. 2007. Optimal Production and Inventory Policies of Priority and Price-differentiated Customers. IIE Transactions. 39 (9), 845–861.  
15. Li, X., N. Ye, T. Liu, and Y. Sun. 2006. Job Scheduling to Minimize the Weighted Waiting Time Variance of Jobs. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 52 (1), 41-56.  

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
1. Piri, S. T. Liu. Integrated Dynamic Pricing and Ordering with Demand Learning. ISERC, Montreal, Canada, May 2014.  
2. Liu, T., H.Y. Mak, M. Shen. Disruption Management with Cross Production and Cross Pricing. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference, College Park, MD, June 2008.  
3. Iravani, S., T. Liu, D. Simchi-Levi. Optimal Production and Admission Policies in Make-to-Stock/Make-to-Order Manufacturing Systems. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Conference, Beijing, China, June 2007.  

Working Papers